Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Lunt Again!!

I headed to Lunt Meadows this morning to try for the SEO again (they wont be around for ever).
I got really lucky as one was quartering the field next to the car park, after grabbing my camera and deciding to shoot into the sun I managed to get a few shots before he dropped into the long grass and stayed put.

The rest of the day was pretty quiet on the owl front with them showing only briefly during the day but at quite a distance at times. A lone Barn owl was spotted hunting early morning left of the pump house but not seen again during the day.

A few Kestrels made passing visits with one putting on quite a show by hovering close to our position.

Monday, 21 December 2015

SEO, Lunt Meadows.

I had to visit Lunt again to try and get at least one picture of the short eared owls perched, as all my shots have been in flight.

I arrived around 2 pm with Mark after the rain had stopped and headed to a speck that I hoped would produce a chance of a shot.
Mark headed around the lake and found that the female Scaup is still present.

Another resident Gary Clarke was already waiting for the SEO to show, that guy has the patience of a saint and can stand in the same spot for 6 hours. Yesterday provided perched shots for Gary and I was hoping for a repeat.
After an hour or so standing in the cold mud an owl popped up from the grass and landed again 10 yards away. But soon after with the light fading fast the wait was over and up popped a shorty and flew right to the perch and began looking around, mission accomplished for today now just a few more in better light.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Martin Mere.

Not been out all that much lately but made a flying visit to martin mere this morning, and only had time for a quick walk around. I did manage to get a few pictures. The only other of note is the Great northern diver at West Kirby marine lake.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Out and About.

Made a few visits to Lunt meadows over the past few weeks, unfortunately the weather has not been the best. Still the Short eared owls tend to show quite well at times along with the resident Barn owls.

I also called into The Raptor Foundation in Cambridgeshire today as I only had a few hours to spare.

Short eared owl and I think a Long eared owl.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Lunt Meadows.

Called into Lunt last night and this morning as I have been away for a few weeks.
Looks like up to 12 Short eared owls are present and a few Barn owls as well.

The weather made things difficult last night for photographs but managed to get a couple of keepers.

I headed out again this morning when the weather broke for an hour or so, and as expected they owls were out in force. I managed to see 6 today along with one Barn owl. Lunt is set to provide a fantastic place over the winter and for such a young reserve its great news.
Having a place were you can see 7 Short eared owls hunting in one place on your door step is amazing.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

RSPB Titchwell.

After looking at the fog this morning I was debating on whether to bother today. Lucky I did as it turned out to be a very nice day once the fog cleared.
I set of for Titchwell first thing and arrived just as the fog was starting to lift, first bird of the day, Marsh harrier over the reed beds bit to far for a picture and the fog was still hanging round a bit.

Plenty of Cetti's about they seem to be in every bush and tree, managed to see 5 yet unable to get one decent picture.

Loads of birds on the reserve at the moment and the Teal and Wigeon are growing in number, greylag, Canadian and Brent geese are all so in good numbers.

Around 400-500 Golden plover are on the scrapes allowing pretty good views before taking to the air and landing at the far side.

Black tailed godwits are in decent numbers but spread out over the reserve.

Plenty of the usual waders knocking round near to the hides with Redshank and Curlew being seen everywhere you look, yet somehow I never got one Curlew picture!!

A Dunlin made a fleeting visit to one hide.

I managed to see a lone Greenshank quite close to the banks, and he didn't seem overly bothered about my presence, he still kept a little distance though.

Lots of Reed Buntings around along the Autumn trail (unfortunately it closes today) flitting between the hedgerows and the reed beds.

On the way home I made a quick stop at Snettisham, its quite a long walk to the beach and as expected the tide was way way out. Still lots of Dunlin, Redshank and Curlew around feeding on the mud flats. A few Grey plover were around but quite a way out, I didn't fancy a walk on the mud for a better shot. I will definitely return when the tides are high as it could be quite a spectacle. 

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Lunt Meadows.

While I was home and had the chance I headed to Lunt for look to see what was around.

Plenty around on the reserve yesterday,
Lapwing are around in good numbers along with Canadian geese, a dozen Pink footed geese made a brief appearance before taking flight again heading towards Southport.

Quite a few Teal around on the different ponds, along with Little grebe, Little egret, and all the usual.
A Peregrine made a pass over putting up a good flock of lapwings and gulls into the air.

The Marsh harrier had been showing just before I arrived but flew out over towards the far side of the reserve.

The biggest surprise of the night was a Short eared owl showing up, while watching the water and talking to David Humphreys I turned around and seen something pop up out of the long grass, at first I thought it was a buzzard the realised what it was. Fantastic to see as it was showing really well at times, before a few crows mobbed it away. I have never seen an owl fly so high to escape the mobbing, at one point it was no more than spec in the sky.
While talking to Dave we think that 2 are present as one flew over and behind the pump house yet within a few mins one turned up behind us again at the back of the field. Can not see how it got past us to were it showed as we were scanning the area trying to relocate it.

Really looking forward to winter at Lunt this year.