Probably a bit to nice as the heat haze made getting photographs quite tricky.
Upon arrival a pair of Marsh harriers were busy collecting nesting material and look to be building in front of Fen hide all be it some distance away.
While walking down the path to the beach a Cuckoo flew over calling giving superb views, so much I forgot I had a camera. Just glad to get my first for the year.
When I got to the beach I headed left and walked about a mile along the coast just to see if anything would turn up. Plenty of Oystercatcher's, Cormorants then something caught my eye on a post in the distance. A peregrine falcon was quite happy sitting on the post he let me get quite close but I did not want to get any closer.
Just a shame about the heat haze but still had a superb days birding.
Rutland Water
Early this morning I called into Rutland water as four Whimbrel had been seen over the past few days, unfortunately my luck was out and I could not locate them anywhere. I did however stumble across a common sandpiper.
The Ospreys are showing quite well with what looks like two nesting pairs on the reserve one at Lyndon the other at Whitwell.
Plenty of Woodpeckers around this morning I seen three Great crested and two Green. The green lucky for me landed on the fence post not to far away.
Lots of Grebes around this morning including a pair of Little grebes, who kept getting harassed by a pair of coots.
I watched this Great crested grebe catch four fish in under ten minutes and then had to let them all go as they were to big to swallow.