Friday 6 February 2015

Pennington Flash.

Managed to get the day off today and as the weather was quite nice, I headed to Pennington Flash for the morning.
The main lake was frozen apart from a small channel that all the birds were using like a road network, with  little passing places along the way.
A Little Grebe was diving in the few places that were not frozen over, surprising how small they are next to a Coot.
Little Grebe at Pennington Flash.

Little Grebe at Pennington Flash.

Most of the birds had gathered around one of the hides because of the frozen lake, which in turn provided a good view of Teal, Pochard, Mallard and Lapwings. Around a dozen cormorants were also present but to far for a decent picture. The notice board said a Med Gull and Garganey was present but was unable to locate them (must invest in a scope). 

Mallard at Pennington Flash.

Mallards at Pennington Flash.

It was quite interesting watching the Canadian Geese trying to land on the ice, some must have slid over 50 yards before stopping.

Canada Goose at Pennington Flash.

Canadian Geese at Pennington Flash.

A Robin singing must be one of the best noises to hear on a morning walk, seems to make for a better day after hearing one.

Robin at Pennington Flash.

Never really though about birds in flight and how streamline they become when their wings are folded, it was this photo of  a Magpie that got me thinking.

Magpie at Pennington Flash.

I finished off the morning with a coffee at the van watching the gulls feeding.

Black Headed Gull (First Winter?) at Pennington Flash.


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